In an ongoing endeavor to maintain an avenue between Province II dioceses, congregations, and individuals and the Episcopal Church resources, two volunteers have been named to the newly-developed positions of Province II – Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) liaisons.

Province II President Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe announced that the two Province II -EMM liaison are

  • Janet Day-Strehlow, Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
  • José R. Delgado, Diocese of Puerto Rico

“Janet and José have demonstrated their long-term commitment to helping refugees,” she said. “In our rapidly changing society, we recognized the need for gathering and sharing information from EMM about programs, needs, materials, etc., throughout Province II. The Liaisons will fulfill that role.”

The Province II – EMM Liaisons are members of the Provincial Council with seat and voice (no vote).

The Province II-EMM Liaison is the first of such arrangements in the Episcopal Church.

“On behalf of Episcopal Migration Ministries, I am excited that the people of Province II have created these positions to share information, foster collaboration, and amplify the voices and needs of vulnerable neighbors among us,” commented the Rev. Sarah Shipman, director of Episcopal Migration Ministries. “The liaisons will be important in carrying out the church’s commitment to refugees and migrants, and I hope this model catalyzes similar partnerships across the church.”   

Province II is composed of 13 dioceses with congregations in over six time zones: The 13 Dioceses of the Episcopal Church Province II are: Albany, Central New York, Cuba, Convocation of Churches in Europe, Haiti, Long Island, New Jersey, New York, Newark, Puerto Rico, Rochester, Virgin Islands, Western New York.

Meet Janet Day-Strehlow

A native of Arlington, Virginia, Janet has been part of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe since 1987.

She has served in various capacities in the Church.  As Senior Warden during transitions, secretary and then President of the Council of Advice, for more than 10 years she has served as the Chair of the European Institute of Christian Studies (EICS, which is the body responsible for the formation needs of Convocation leaders.  She will soon Co-Chair the newly formed Convocation Task Force on Peace and Justice.

Janet has been a delegate to the 80th and 81st General Conventions. She served on the Legislative Committee for Social Justice and International Policy for both General Conventions and was House of Deputies Chair at the 81st GC.  

Janet first became involved with Episcopal Migration Ministries after she proposed a resolution approved at the 80th General Convention: D045 On Supporting LGBTIQ+ Refugees and Asylum Seekers, based on the experience of an asylum seeker in Munich.  Out of that resolution the Rainbow Initiative came into being.  At the 81st General Convention, she proposed Resolution D026: Enable Episcopal Migration Ministries to More Fully Live Out its Mission.

Meet José Delgado

José is a strategist, an educator, and a communicator with a vast understanding of The Episcopal Church.

He currently serves as the Director of Communications/Radio Station Director (WLEO 1170 AM) for Iglesia Episcopal Diócesis de Puerto Rico. His responsibilities include leading a communications team, developing and implementing comprehensive communication strategies aligned with organizational goal, and managing multiple communication and digital evangelization projects such as live social media and radio broadcasting, multimedia content development, writing and publishing on digital magazine and newsletters.

As an educator, he developed courses, evaluation, and served as a team leader in arts and visual communications.

Janet Day-Strehlow, newly appointed Province II EMM Liaison


Neva Rae Fox, Province II Coordinator