“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”
Thomas Merton

Art in its fullest sense – paintings, illustrations, sculpture, the written word, plays, music, dancing, and even architecture – has been used throughout the history of the Church and well before, to tell the stories of the Bible. From the Lindisfarne Gospels to the Sistine Chapel ceiling, from Medieval Miracle plays to Jesus Christ Superstar, from choirs singing Evensong to Bach’s great Passion masterpieces, the arts have been central to the life and wellbeing of the church.
Art and its creation and use in our churches need not be grand and great masterpieces. It can be the simple drawings and models made in our Sunday schools, the hassocks we kneel on, banners and wall hangings, instruments to help us make music.
THE WHALON FUND FOR THE CREATIVE ARTS has been created in honor of the Rt. Rev. Pierre Whalon, the Convocation’s first elected full-time Bishop, and a very talented musician.
The Fund is looking to support arts projects including but not limited to the creation of parish banners, an artist in residence at youth events and parish retreats, a new music composition, a special performance, an exhibition, instruments to be used in worship or Sunday school, or something creative that congregations or individuals would not be able to do or afford on their own. It must, however, be a project that comes from within a congregation and not from an outside body or person. The fund will not fund on-going projects, salaries, maintenance or repairs. The fund guidelines and application form may be downloaded by clicking on the links below and downloading them. Alternatively, applicants may send in their own form as long as all the information required is submitted.
Parishes and missions in the Convocation are invited to submit grant proposals to support their work. Grants will be made for up to €500.
The first two projects that received grants
Ngôma : le tambour Burundai
C’est un instrument à percussion traditionnels occupant une place très centrale dans les mythe et dans la culture burundaise . C’est un objet issu d’une tradition royale , objet sacré et reservé aux événement exceptionnels. A ce jour, selon l’abbé Adrien Ntabona, Anthropologue, Dieu passait par le tambour pour protéter l’ensembe du pays ! Il est dès lors un symbole de l’unité d’un royaume soudé, pour nous cet instrument apporte non seullement la joie, mais c’est un instrument liturgieque important pour la communauté Epsiscopal-Anglicane Mons Saint-Esprit.
Entre temps , cet objet remplace la batterie qui est l’ensemble d’instruments de percussion disposé pour être joué par une seule personne à l’aide de baguettes et de pédales. Karl, mon fils à bien étudié à l’accadémie des musique , cette instrument , nous espérons que dans l’avenir , la communauté Episcopale-Anglicane, Mons Saint Esprit , achetera la batterie car est un instrument de mesure pour les chants.
toutes bénédictions
Balthazar + Mons-Worship leader
Ngôma: the Burundai drum
It is a traditional percussion instrument occupying a very central place in the myths and in the Burundian culture. It is an object resulting from a royal tradition, a sacred object and reserved for exceptional events. To this day, according to Father Adrien Ntabona, Anthropologist, God went through the drum to protect the whole country! It is therefore a symbol of the unity of a united kingdom, for us this instrument not only brings joy, but it is an important liturgical instrument for the Epsiscopal-Anglican Mons Saint-Esprit community. In the meantime, this object replaces the drums which are the set of percussion instruments arranged to be played by a single person using sticks and pedals.
Karl, my son has studied well at the academy of music, this instrument, we hope that in the future, the Episcopal-Anglican community, Mons Saint Esprit, will buy the drums because it is a measuring instrument for singing.
all blessings
Balthazar + Mons-Worship leader
A big “Luftpost Thank You” from the Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury in Wiesbaden, Germany

WFCA Committee Members
A committee has been set up to consider grant requests and make recommendations to the Council of Advice who will make the final decision. If a parish or mission is unsure if a project qualifies please contact Deborah Cole or another member of the committee.
- Deborah Cole, Chair, St. Augustine, Wiesbaden GERMANY – debcole@gmx.net
- The Rev. Mary Haddad, Paris FRANCE – maryehaddad@gmail.com
- Felicity Handford, All Saints, Waterloo BELGIUM – felicity.handford@gmail.com
- Larry Litman, St. Paul’s Within the Walls, Rome ITALY – larry.spqr@gmail.com
- Canon Zach Ullery, Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Paris FRANCE – zachullery@gmail.com
Ways to Give…
The Convocation would like to add to the fund and information about how to donate can be found below. As a fund of the DFMS, all donations are tax-deductible in the United States.
Give by Credit Card through the Convocation’s Tithe.ly account:
- Online through our website click on the logo in the small box below the rotator on the home page;
- By entering the direct link https://tithe.ly/give?c=423302 into your browser;
- By downloading the tithely app onto your phone from http://get.tithe.ly/download-tithely-app/
Enter the amount you wish to give (in USD), your card number, CVV and expiry date, your email address and full name. You may add a memo if you wish (for example if you are giving a donation in
Other ways to give:
Wire transfer for U.S. Dollars:
Bank Name: US Bank
Bank Address: St. Paul, Minnesota
ABA Number: 123000848
SWIFT Code (International wires): USBKUS44IMT
Account Name: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society
Account #: 153 910 784 211
(If using this method please notify Sunny Hallanan and Margareth Crosnier de Bellaistre of the transfer).
Bank transfer for Euros:
Beneficiary Bank: Standard Chartered Bank Frankfurt
Beneficiary Account: DE04512305000500058202 (IBAN of account)
Beneficiary Name: US Bank / DFMS
The memo line should read WFCA and please also send an email to Sunny and to June Victor letting them know to expect the donation.
Please make payable to the “Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society,” with a memo for the WFCA or The Whalon Fund for the Creative Arts.Checks should be mailed to:
N. Kurt Barnes
Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
The Episcopal Church
815 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Transfer of Stock:
Please see https://www.episcopalchurch.org/files/contribution_instructions_2018.pdf for details.
For additional Information contact:
Andrea d’Agosto,
Administrator at St. Paul’s Within the Walls, Rome
+39 06 48833 39