Work Through Ministry

Ministry Areas

Our Convocation believes in becoming a more Missional Church. Through a process of discernment and discussion with each other, we have identified the areas of work we feel God is asking us to channel our resources and energy into. While these ministires are not permanent parts of our Canons, they do have strong values and goals to do the work asked of them.

Climate & Creation Care

In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned about the global climate emergency, drawing from a range of approaches for our diverse contexts, we commit to form and restore loving, liberating, life-giving relationships with all of Creation.

Racial Justice Beloved Community

We seek to create Beloved Community, working to increase hope by dismantling the sin of racism, learning to understand and own our part in what has gone before by commission or omission, acting with courage to stand up and speak out as we move beyond ourselves to serve Christ and one another.

Refugees & Migration

The experiences of migration and exile are at the heart of our faith. We know that Christ commands us to love and welcome the stranger.

Children & Youth

We believe the future of our church lies with our children and our youth. We cherish our role in caring for and nurturing their spiritual lives, and supporting the many youth programs in our Congregations.

Canonical Ministries

Some of our work is organized through our Canons. These ministry areas form a more permanent role in our Convocation organization.

Commission on the Ministry of the Baptized

What is God calling you to do? The Commission on the Ministry of the Baptized (COMB) can help discern your call to ministry.

Committee on Mission Congregations

The Committee on Mission Congregations is composed of lay and clergy members who aid in the nurturing and formation of mission congregations.

Council of Advice

The Council of Advice is a canonical committee that advises the Bishop in Charge in carrying out those responsibilities in the Convocation.

European Institute for Christian Studies

The European Institute for Christian Studies (EICS) has developed a number of formation educational and training programs.