MISSION & Ministry

Racial Justice Beloved Community



We seek to create Beloved Community, working to increase hope by dismantling the sin of racism, learning to understand and own our part in what has gone before by commission or omission, acting with courage to stand up and speak out as we move beyond ourselves to serve Christ and one another.

Our New Canon for Racial Justice and Beloved Community

The Rev. Canon Mpho Tutu van Furth

It is with much joy that we welcome The Rev. Canon Mpho Tutu van Furth as the Convocation’s new Canon for Racial Justice and Beloved Community.  Mpho has accepted the call to open our eyes and hearts to the sin of racism, to guide us to repentance, and to encourage us as we seek to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ by fulfilling our part of God’s dream of beloved community.  In exercising her ministry, Mpho will seek to help us enter more fully into the work already begun.  We thank Mpho for accepting this call and offer a heartfelt welcome!

Canon Mpho also serves as Priest in Charge of All Saint’s Episcopal Church in Amsterdam NL, the newest mission congregation of the Convocation.

What Drives Us

A Covenant for Dismantling Racism, Advancing Racial Justice and Building Beloved Community in Europe

Racism is a sin. It disrupts the harmony and oneness that God intends for humanity. Racism is dangerous, divisive and damaging. Racism destroys dignity and disregards the image and likeness of God found in every human being. We are created in the image of God; therefore, to engage in racism in any form is to refuse to acknowledge the image of God in the other; and to deny or ignore the truth of racism and the pain and damage it causes, is to subvert the love of Jesus.

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Current membership of the racial justice beloved community ministry

david case

Chair, Member of Church of the Ascension (Munich, Germany)

haswell beni

Member of St. James (Florence, Italy)

Slyvie Botétémé

Member of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris

Eric Bredvik

Member of The Anglican/Episcopal Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Wiesbaden

Stéphanie Burette


Lois Stuckenbruck

Liaison to Council of Advice, Member of Church of the Ascension (Munich, Germany)